Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 02 Advent Devotional Dec 02

Dec 02, 2015

Scripture of the Day: 1 Peter 2:4-5

Thought of the day: Come to the Living Stone

Why should we follow St John’s advice and turn? And to what do we turn? St Peter’s words from his first epistle give us the answer:
“Come to him, a living stone” (1 Peter 2:4-5, NRSV)
St Peter reminds us that our journey is towards a person – Jesus Christ the Living Stone. This is clear from the icon of St John the Baptist as well. St John is depicted with his hands open and pointing towards Christ. So if St John reminds us to turn, he is telling us to turn to Christ.  We should change our course if our present path will not get us towards our goal. In other words if the way that we live now is not taking us closer to Christ then it is time to change our direction.
The title that St Peter ascribes to Christ is a poignant one – “living stone.” Christ is the precious stone upon which we are built. St Peter, the one was titled the rock by Christ, now reveals us to the foundation of his own strength. Furthermore this foundation is not a mythical past but the very present and living person. Our foundation is not a story or principle but the person of Jesus Christ himself. Approaching Christ isn’t something done in the past either. It is a continual return and drawing closer to Christ. The closer we get to Christ the more we realize how much more we need to approach him.
During this advent season let us come to Christ the Living Stone.

Song of the Day:

Icon of the Day:

Quote of the day:

"So He united man with God and wrought a communion of God and man, we being unable to have any participation in incorruptibility if it were not for His coming to us, for incorruptibility, whilst being invisible, benefited us nothing: so He became visible, that we might, in all ways, obtain a participation in incorruptibility." (St Irenaeus of Lyons, On the Apostolic Preaching, 31)

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