Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 09 - Advent Devotional Dec 09, 2015

Dec 09, 2015
Scripture of the Day:

                Colossians 3:5-14 (

Thought of the day: Clothed in Christ

                In this advent season we are often concerned about our clothes. We unpack all the winter clothes to protect ourselves from the harsh cold weather. We might also be caught up in shopping frenzy and searching for new clothes for our loved ones. Scripture teaches us the clothing that we ought to be most concerned with – put on Christ Jesus. St Paul repeatedly employs the clothing metaphor to teach us about salvation (Rom 13:14; Galatians 3:27). In fact we could even study the entire salvation history through the lens of clothing metaphor. For today let us consider the words in Colossians 3.
                First we are reminded of the clothes that we have put away – “you have stripped off the old self with its practices” (3:9). He also describes the new layers of clothing that we put on. “You have clothed yourself with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator” (3:10). The new wardrobe that we don is constantly being renewed. The purpose of its renewal is that we might conform to the image of its creator – Jesus Christ. St Paul continues to enumerate the different layers we put on – “compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.” Finally the last piece of clothing that binds these layers together into a perfect harmony is love (3:14). In this Christmas season let us ask ourselves whether we have put on the clothes of Christ. Let us shift our focus away from the earthly clothes to the heavenly divine clothing given to us by Christ.
                Today is also the 3rd memorial of Late Lamented Mathews Mar Barnabas. Let us remember Thirumeni in our prayers.           
Song of the Day:

Icon of the Day:
                Andrei Rublev’s Icon of the Holy Trinity

Quote of the day:

                “See what an insatiable soul! For having said, ‘We are all made children of God through faith,” he does not stop there, but tries to find something more exact, which may serve to convey a still closer oneness with Christ. Having Said, ‘ye have put on Christ,’ even this does not suffice Him, but by way of penetrating more deeply into this union, he comments on it thus: ‘Ye are all One in Christ Jesus,’ that is, ye have all one form and one mould, even Christ’s. What can be more awe-inspiring than these words! He that was a Greek, or Jew or bond-man yesterday carries about with him the form, not of an Angel or Archangel, but of the Lord of all, yes displays in his own person the Christ.”  (St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Galatians). 

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