Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 14 Advent Devotional Dec 14, 2015

Dec 14, 2015
Scripture of the Day:  
Thought of the day: Do not fear               
                Fear is one of the most common emotions we all experience. It feels as if the rise of mass shootings, terrorist attacks as only intensified the prevalence of fear. It is in such a situation that we receive great solace from the message of Christmas. At the time of the birth of our savior, the repeated message is “Do not fear.” First the Angel Gabriel says this to Zachariah, then to St Mary and then to St Joseph.
                The gospel of the birth of our Lord is a message that casts away fear from our lives. As God prophesied through Isaiah, the message of Christmas is, “do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). The baby born for us tells us the same.
First He is Immanuel ever present God. Christ is present with us always. Second He is our God – this speaks of the intimate concern that God has for us. Since our God is with us we have nothing to fear. The next three descriptions are emphasizing how he protects us – strengthening, helping and upholding.
During this advent season let God cast away the fear in our hearts.
Song of the Day:
                Song of Nativity :    
Icon of the Day:
                Icon of Nativity:

Quote of the day:

“The servant of the Lord will be afraid only of his Master, while the man who does not yet fear Him is often scared by his own shadow.” St. John of the Ladder

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