Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 08 Advent Devotional Dec 08 2015

Dec 08, 2015
Scripture of the Day:
Thought of the day: Freedom in Christ
In Isaiah 61 we read a prophecy about the messiah (anointed one). First the anointing is seen a commissioning. Second we see that the anointed one was commissioned to perform a multitude of activities. Chief among these is the duty to “proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners.” The Messiah has come to liberate those living in bondage. St Paul declares, “For freedom Christ has set us free” (Galatains 5:1).
Often we live in ignorance of the freedom that we have received from the messiah. It is said that even after the Emancipation Proclamation many of the newly freed slaves continued to live as slaves because they did not become aware of their freedom. Christians are often like that. Although the messiah has made us free, we continued to live as slaves. We have permitted the weak things of this world to become strong shackles that restrict our freedom. These shackles bind our hands from working for Christ; our feet from walking for Christ and our mouths from praising Christ.
This advent season let us reclaim the freedom we have in Christ. Let us cast away the bondage of sin.
Song of the Day:

Icon of the Day:
Holy Mandylion of Christ – story of icon imprinted by Christ.

Quote of the day:
May nothing entice me till I happily make my way to Jesus Christ! Fire, cross, struggles with wild beasts, wrenching of bones, mangling of limbs - let them come to me, provided only I make my way to Jesus Christ. – St Ignatius of Antioch

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