Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 16 Advent Devotional Dec 16

Dec 16, 2015

Scripture of the Day:  

                Isaiah 52:7-10 (

Thought of the day: Joy as wellspring of worship

                In today’s scripture portion God commands his people to “Break forth together into singing” (Isaiah 52:9). God also provides the reason why people will sing together. The joy of knowing the gospel compel the people to worship. It should be noted that the prophet is referring to a corporate worship. One of the defining features of Orthodox faith is its emphasis on corporate worship. In fact this is evident in a place like Albany. If we were to go to any of the Orthodox churches on a Sunday morning we would find believers gathered together and doing very similar actions. While the particular gestures, symbols, language and vestments might be distinguishable, the essential “work” of the Liturgies is the same (the word liturgy means the work of the people). The wellspring of this common “work” is the joy that the believers share in knowing that Lord has returned to Zion (Isaiah 52:8).

Song of the Day:

Icon of the Day:
                Icon of the transfiguration:

Quote of the day:

How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. Psalm 84:1-2

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