Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 11 Advent Devotional Dec 11, 2015

Dec 11, 2015

Scripture of the Day:
                Hebrews 2:14-18 (

Thought of the day: Christ the High Priest
                The author of Hebrews gives to us another important title for Christ – “the merciful and faithful high priest.” In order for us to fully grasp the depth of the meaning of this title we need to understand the role of the high priest in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament the high priest offered sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people. Jesus came to become the perfect high priest (see Hebrews 5). As the perfect high priest he offered the perfect sacrifice as well – his own life. In one of the prefatory (promeon) prayers Christ is addressed as the “one who became a priest to his own body.” As we get closer to the blessed feast of Christmas let us reflect on the High Priest and his Sacrifice on our behalf.

Song of the Day:
                Song of Nativity :    

Icon of the Day:
                Syrian version of ascension of Christ from 6th century:
                Most of the later Orthodox icons of ascension are based on this icon (see one from 15th century):

Quote of the day:
                Read a description of this icon by an eminent theologian of iconography:

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